I met my soulmate + forever best friend in high school. We’ve been together for over 5 years & I love him with all of my heart. His presence in my life has forever influenced the way I view romance, relationships, and filming others’ love stories.

Sappy Romantic

You’ll never catch me with the same hair color, I love changing it up and have been dying my hair since I was 12! Right now, my hair color is pink & purple!!

Hair COLOR Enthusiast

This has been and always will be my fav soft drink. You won't ever catch me without one.

Dr. Pepper Stan

I have two darling furbaby angels, Lucy and Louise, whom I love dearly and give me the strength to work through life. If you were to look in my camera roll, they take up a good 75% of it.

Kitty Mom

Let's kick it off with some fun facts!!

Growing up, my mother would alwayssss be taking videos and photos of our family. Some of my favorite memories are watching those back with my family, laughing and crying together at the little moments and interactions that I had forgotten about. My dad is an incredible artist which influences my storytelling and artistic lens. fortunately, BOTH OF MY PARENTS HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT SUPPORTIVE AND ENABLING OF MY DREAMS, VISIONS, AND GOALS AS A FILMMAKER & I find so much passion in getting to document the life and endless unique stories around me.

Now backtracking to How it all started...

take this as a reminder to chase your creativity & passions - I'll be right here supporting you along the way

While it's always been my calling to tailor emotional & impactful stories, I am so beyond thankful for the opportunities and support that have gotten me to where I am today. From at-home childhood videos, to video production in high school, to a professional career in wedding & brand videography, I'm proud to watch my skills and expertise continue to develop.

& Where we are Today

To be completely transparent, the decision behind RetRoseSpective as my business name was NOT an easy one. As I'm sure many creatives can relate, I had a whole bunch of "great" ideas, but I couldn't put my finger on the perfect name.

My partner was actually the one who brought up the name Retrosespective first when I was brainstorming for business names and I was STOKED. Not only did it represent the idea of reminiscing on memories, I was able to play on the word retrospective to include my middle name (Rose!!). 

A look behind the biz name

Ready To Tell Your Story?

For the creative business owners who want to showcase their unique purpose & personality authentically

For the love birds who want all of the moments & emotions woven in a way that truly reflects their story & love